
Category: Productivity

How not to over-organize things

I was recently browsing around Ali Abdaal’s blog page. Since it is a perfect example of over-organization, suddenly, I came up with an idea for my today’s blog post. I have been following Ali’s blog and YouTube channel for a long time now, and he has inspired me for many good things when it comes […]

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My top 3 productivity mobile apps

When it comes to productivity, usually smartphones and other similar electronic devices tend to be destructive and turn your attention to anything else but studying or working productively. However, if tablets or even smartphones are used appropriately, they can significantly boost productivity and make life easier in so many situations. In this blog post, I […]

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Why do you want to be more productive?

People want to be more productive simply because they want to do as much work as possible in a relatively short amount of time. But then rises the question, do they actually need to finish so much work when they can work as much as they can for the given amount of time and then […]

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My lesson from the pandemics

I believe many universities in the world take advantage of technology for better teaching. Whether it be distance learning, homework assignments, remote presentations, etc., very few universities or schools applied online lectures, and non the less almost no university used to offer online examinations before the pandemics. However, in the COVIT-19 situation, all the schools […]

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How to stay motivated

Deadlines are often a way that people get motivated to finish something difficult or tedious. However, this is the kind of motivation that people feel forced to do anything, which means if you keep motivating yourself in this way for a longer time, most likely, you will crush down at some point. If you want […]

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How to learn anything fast

Until now, I have learned a lot of engineering stuff. No dought, I have gone through a lot of physics, math, engineering, and programming related classes; however, I also remember myself learning general knowledge from biology, chemistry, history literature, and a lot of similar classes from earlier education stages. I always divide learning into theoretical […]

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How to be kind

Being a kind person is a pretty lovely social status. However, it can sometimes lead to unfortunate consequences, where people can misuse this personal quality against you. In this post, I talk about two different and even contradictory concepts of being and not being a nice person. Why not being nice? Recently I listened to […]

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Top 3 productivity books on Audible

I like listening to audiobooks, especially those that talk about productivity. I have already listened to so many different books, but some have been especially interesting and useful for me, so I decided to share my experience with you. Here are my top three books about productivity: Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven Way to […]

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Why are productivity books useless?

In general, productivity books are a good way of motivating any action you take or any situation you are in life. They often show you a way of solving certain problems, and in some cases, they even guide you through the path to inner freedom and happiness. I must admit that those kinds of books […]

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How to be more productive with the iPhone 12 and Apple ecosystem

After having all those features to Apple’s ecosystem considering mobile and home devices, there is no dough that everyone can take advantage of it and get more productive by using it. Personally, I am a big fan of this ecosystem, and I already own an iPhone, iPad, Macbook Pro, and various complementary outlets. In this […]

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